Dude Invents Handheld Wind Turbine That Can De-Ice Planes and Destroy Your Lawn
Earplugs in for this one!
Published 1 month ago in Wow
Earplugs in for this one!
Earplugs in for this one!
The days of the “inventor” are long behind us. Although new machines are being created every day, there are scant few madmen left whose whole business is just shoving parts together to see what happens.
That said, they’re not all gone. This guy, for example, developed a handheld turbine blower that can de-ice an aircraft and scare the shit out of your neighbors.
Here’s what it looks and sounds like:
A guy made a turbine powered blower, mainly to de-ice aircraft wings from frost, but it can be powered up significantly to blow leaves, snow, melt and dry ice.
byu/lifeandtimes89 innextfuckinglevel